A Sober Look At The Law

A Sober Look At The Law

  • 3 Ways That Getting An Attorney Simplifies Your Commercial Real Estate Transactions

    Buying or selling property is a big financial commitment. Thus, you should conduct your due diligence and ensure you protect every aspect of the purchase. Hiring a commercial real estate attorney is a crucial part of the process, whether you are investing in a commercial real estate project or buying a property. The lawyer eases the process and makes it manageable for you. Here are the three main ways that hiring a competent lawyer benefits your real estate transactions.

  • How Your Lawyer Can Help You If You Are Charged With OVI

    If you have been charged with operating a vehicle impaired, or OVI, you might wonder how you can defend yourself and perhaps get the charges dropped. An experienced OVI attorney can help guide you through the steps involved in an OVI case and perhaps help to see if the charges can be lessened or dropped completely. It's often easier for a first offender to get charges dropped or reduced since they don't have a history of the offense already on their record.

  • Always Hire A Real Estate Lawyer When Purchasing A Foreclosed Home

    When a home is owned by a bank, the previous owner usually foreclosed on the home, and it was then repossessed. Whenever you are deciding to purchase a home like this, you will always want to consult with a real estate lawyer beforehand. Properties that have been foreclosed on can often be purchased at a discount. However, you will also be purchasing the property "as is" and the bank will not be liable for any damages that result from purchasing the property.

  • What Are The Goals Of A Plea Bargain In A Felony Case?

    Felony attorneys, their clients, and prosecutors often enter into what is called a plea bargain. These are agreements where the prosecution recommends a lighter charge and sentence to the judge in exchange for the defendant pleading guilty. It's wise to understand what the goals of plea bargaining are, especially in the context of a felony case. Minimizing Prison Time In most jurisdictions, a felony is a crime that carries at least one year of prison time for the defendant upon conviction.

  • 3 Reasons Why You Might Need A Criminal Defense Lawyer

    The seriousness of legal proceedings often depends on the crime you are charged for. You may get a fine or community service for a misdemeanor charge. On the other hand, if you have felony charges, you need to get a competent lawyer to represent you in a court of law. Hiring a lawyer soon after the arrest helps you start gathering the evidence you will need for the court to drop the charges or give a favorable ruling.

  • 2024© A Sober Look At The Law
    About Me
    A Sober Look At The Law

    Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm Sophia Cruz. My husband had a scare a few years ago. He was hit by a car while riding on his motorcycle. He was following the law, but the other motorist drifted over into his lane. Fortunately, the physics of the accident were such that he only experienced minor scrapes and cuts, but it could have been much worse. I later found out that the other motorist was under the influence while driving. Since then, I have been concerned about the prevalence of drunk driving and have decided to create a legal blog that discusses drunk driving and various other topics.
