A Sober Look At The Law

A Sober Look At The Law

  • Wrongfully Terminated From Your Job? Here's What You Do About It

    If your employer fires you for not lying to your customers about a product's capabilities or safety, you may wonder if you can take the person to court. You may have a wrongfully terminated case against your employer.  In most cases, employers can let go of employees for legal reasons, such as cutting business costs or filing for bankruptcy. However, your boss can't fire you for illegal reasons, such as refusing to place your customers' safety at risk.

  • Tips To Help Independent Court Reporters Secure Clients

    Training to become a court reporter teaches you a lot, but there are some things you need to know that go beyond the mechanics of using the steno machine and learning the legal jargon. Learning to work with lawyers, witnesses, and other individuals that cross paths with you as you do your job can be one of the most challenging aspects of this career. The following tips can help you master these challenges so you will become a favorite of the legal professionals that provide you with work.

  • Legally Obtaining Your Rights As A Father

    Having a child with someone that you are not in a relationship with can become complicated, especially if you are the father. If you are in a conflict with the mother of your child because she doesn't allow you to practice your parental rights, there is something that can be done about it. The worst thing that you can do is to keep going through such a heated situation without help from an attorney.

  • 3 Things To Know About Your Personal Injury Case

    If you have been injured in an accident that was the fault of another party, such as another driver hitting you on the road, a homeowner not taking care of their property to make it safe, or a business that had a hazard on their business property that caused your injury, you are going to want to receive compensation for your medical costs. To do this, you need to file a personal injury claim.

  • Being Prepared For Handling An Estate

    Being appointed to handle a loved one's estate is an honor, and only the most trusted of family and friends are asked to bear this responsibility. As a personal representative (or executor), you will find that you need to set aside your natural feelings of loss and sadness and take on the duties shown below. Knowing what is expected of you ahead of time can go a long way toward lightening the burden when the times comes, so read on for more information about handling the estate of a loved one.

  • 2024© A Sober Look At The Law
    About Me
    A Sober Look At The Law

    Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm Sophia Cruz. My husband had a scare a few years ago. He was hit by a car while riding on his motorcycle. He was following the law, but the other motorist drifted over into his lane. Fortunately, the physics of the accident were such that he only experienced minor scrapes and cuts, but it could have been much worse. I later found out that the other motorist was under the influence while driving. Since then, I have been concerned about the prevalence of drunk driving and have decided to create a legal blog that discusses drunk driving and various other topics.
