A Sober Look At The Law

A Sober Look At The Law

  • Injured After A Collision With A Semi Truck Driver: What A Lawyer Can Do

    Has depression taken over your life after a bad injury from a collision that was caused by the driver of a semi truck? You can get justice for your trauma in monetary form with the help of a car accident lawyer. In this article, discover what a lawyer will do to make sure the other party pays for being at fault in the collision, as well as what you will be charged for the legal help.

  • 3 Things To Keep In Mind When Seeking Grandparent's Visitation Rights

    Divorce is never an easy thing to go through - especially when there are children involved. It's difficult enough if one parent ends up not being able to see their children very much, if at all, but it can be even worse if one or more grandparents also lose access to the kids. Most grandparents love doting on their grandchildren, so it can be a tremendous blow to have them taken out of your life.

  • A Guide To Short Sales

    If you want to cut your losses and free yourself of a property that has become too much to afford, you may want to consider a short sale. This is a type of legal arrangement that allows you to sell the property for typically significantly less than you would get on the market, but it frees you of the financial and legal responsibility of the property. This is also an excellent option if you are expecting to fall into foreclosure, which can wreak havoc on your credit score.

  • What Is The Difference Between DUI And DWI?

    While many states use the terms DWI and DUI interchangeably, there are some states that differentiate between the two terms. They represent two different crimes.  DWI vs. DUI DWI stands for Driving While Intoxicated. DUI stands for Driving Under the Influence. Generally, DWI means that the person is under the influence of alcohol, and whose blood alcohol content has exceeded the legal limit. In most states, that is .08%. On the other hand, DUI is generally used when a person is under the influence of some other intoxicating agent, such as drugs.

  • How To Visit A Doctor When You're Suing Over A Car Accident

    After you have suffered a car accident, you will need to see a doctor as soon as possible to receive treatment. You may decide to later sue the other motorist that was responsible for your accident. The amount of money you can claim in medical damages will be based on how you visit your doctor and the information you are able to gather. Visiting the Doctor When you visit a doctor, inform him or her that you were involved in a car accident.

  • 2024© A Sober Look At The Law
    About Me
    A Sober Look At The Law

    Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm Sophia Cruz. My husband had a scare a few years ago. He was hit by a car while riding on his motorcycle. He was following the law, but the other motorist drifted over into his lane. Fortunately, the physics of the accident were such that he only experienced minor scrapes and cuts, but it could have been much worse. I later found out that the other motorist was under the influence while driving. Since then, I have been concerned about the prevalence of drunk driving and have decided to create a legal blog that discusses drunk driving and various other topics.
